
TWM - Usage

If you start The-West - Menu the first time, you'll see a message, which says that there are no settings found. The menus are as usual.
To change this, you have to click on the button Menu-Settings on the lower edge of the map (under the chat):

If you do this, you will see a new in-game window, in which you can setup the modification.
Click, hold and move the mouse on an entry to place it on the position you want it to display. Are you satisfied with your selection, release the mouse button and the entrys will stay on this position.

When you click on Confirm your settings will be saved. Don't forget to save your settings!

In the next tab Settings you can see further options to individualize your The-West - Menu.
For example it is possible to hide the right workbar or to fix the menus to your screen, that they will scroll with the screnn.
You can also change the language or (de-)activate the debug-mode to get detailed information about the script, its behaviour and possible errors.

By clicking on Update on the upper edge of the new window, the script will automatically search for updates of The-West - Menu.